Alien Romulus Review - Connor

‘Alien: Romulus’ Review: Franchise Exhumation

Ridley Scott’s 1979 masterpiece Alien was a tremendous achievement; A low-fi monolith of science-fiction horror that changed the landscape of film as we know it. From Ridley Scott’s lean and elegant direction to HR Giger’s phallic and genitalia-inspired character and set design, one which now feels fused into the very …

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Doctor Who: ‘The Legend of Ruby Sunday’ Review – Season 1 Episode 7

Within Doctor Who, ‘two-parters’ have become commonplace, a trademark of 2005’s reboot series. Some are renowned for being fan-favorite episodes – The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances – while some are a lot less beloved; see The Pandorica Opens/Big Bang. But while some don’t hit the heights of others as a …

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The Acolyte Destiny Review

Star Wars: The Acolyte ‘Destiny’ Review – Episode 3

The Acolyte episode three, Destiny, takes things back to the past and the childhood of Mae and Osha and looks at how the tragic incident that consumed their family and separated them, driving them apart – how it happened. It’s brutal; Mae’s rage and anger at Osha betraying their trust to …

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Star Wars - The Acolyte Premiere Review copy

‘The Acolyte’ Premiere Review: A Refreshing Star Wars Conspiracy Thriller

The Acolyte is the latest Star Wars show to arrive on the back of something of a mixed reception for the franchise of late, with underwhelming ventures for Ahsoka and the latest season of The Mandalorian, but with stellar outings for Andor. Thankfully, The Acolyte is more in the Andor …

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Doctor Who Dot and Bubble Review

Doctor Who: ‘Dot and Bubble’ Review – Season 1 Episode 5

Holding a mirror up to society is typical of science fiction. For the last decade or so, it’s been a little less common in Doctor Who, as the show has taken a less allegorical path, with episodes like Rosa, which tackled segregation with a literal Rosa Parks refusing to sit …

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Doctor Who - 73 Yards Review Banner

Doctor Who: ‘73 Yards’ Review – Season 1 Episode 4

For all its mysteries and sci-fi shenanigans, Doctor Who usually has an answer. Whether that is the Bad Wolf arc, references to Torchwood, the scientific mumbo-jumbo that sort-of-but-not-really explains itself. There’s a simplicity to the show in that regard, where you know that answers are coming. That even this current snow ordeal that continues to manifest …

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Doctor Who - The Trickster Theory Season 1

Could The Trickster Be Returning to Doctor Who? (Theory)

Back in the early 2000s, when Russell T Davies revived Doctor Who for a new generation, he became well-known for his intricately placed narrative threads. If you are an avid fan of his original era, Bad Wolf, Torchwood, Vote Saxon, and the planets disappearing will be ingrained in your memory. Little hints that, once …

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Doctor Who - Boom - Season 1 Episode 3

Doctor Who: ‘Boom’ Review – Season 1 Episode 3

Former Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat returns to the show after seven years away with Boom, an episode that feels like a compendium of his best and worst traits. His former episodes include firm fan favorites The Girl in the Fireplace and Blink, both high-concept stories that include deep emotional stakes to those involved. His time as showrunner from …

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Doctor Who - The Devil's Chord - Season 1 Episode 2

Doctor Who: ‘The Devil’s Chord’ Review – Season 1 Episode 2

There is a phrase in pop culture that originates from an episode of Happy Days: jumping the shark. It implies a breakdown between the audience and the content, in which the audience stops being immersed in what is occurring on screen. In The Devil’s Chord, the latest Doctor Who episode, a god-like music thief …

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Doctor Who - Space Babies - Season 1 Episode 1

Doctor Who: ‘Space Babies’ Review – Season 1 Episode 1

Nostalgia, for better or worse, is a potent factor towards enjoyment. In Space Babies, Doctor Who’s first episode of a new season – the newly regenerated Doctor being played by Ncuti Gatwa – the nostalgia that was invoked for me is for one of the worst movies of all time: Baby Geniuses.  Now, I know what …

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Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Film Review

‘Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes’ Movie Review: Disney’s Take

Mark Twain once said that, “History does not repeat itself. It rhymes.” The Planet of the Apes series, now on its tenth installment, embodies this. The original 1968 Charlton Heston vehicle ended with his character Taylor in a state of despair at realizing the world of ‘damn dirty apes’ that he crash-landed on was …

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