This is a banner for a review of the movie Corina, from director Urzula Barba Hopfner.

‘Corina’ Movie Review: A Mature Directorial Debut by Urzula Barba Hopfner

Cinema represents reality by allowing us to imagine ourselves in situations that may seem far from our daily existence. In her directorial debut, Mexican director Urzula Barba Hopfner envisions the life of Corina (Naian González Norvind), an agoraphobic woman. She has an anxiety disorder that affects her when she is …

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This is a banner for a review of the documentary Blue Road: The Edna O'Brien story.

‘Blue Road: The Edna O’Brien Story’ Review: An Emotionally Engaging Documentary

Throughout its violent process of independence and establishment of national identity, Ireland grew tentatively separating from the colonial exploitation of the British Empire. The Catholic church contributed massively to the societal construction of the Irish; however, it led to a misogynist and oppressed culture in the earliest years. As the …

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This is a banner for a review of the Netflix original film Pedro Páramo.

‘Pedro Páramo’ Movie Review: Rodrigo Prieto’s Disappointing Take on a Literary Classic

In his essay Defense of an Adaptation, French film critic and co-founder of the historical film magazine Cahiers du Cinema André Bazin states that a literary adaptation for the cinema is impure. He points out how dependence on another medium affects filmmaking and how leaning over another source material, either …

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The November Man Movie Review - vizio

‘The November Man’ Review: Pierce Brosnan in another Cold War Style Thriller

Pierce Brosnan became an action icon when he portrayed the most iconic secret agent, James Bond. Throughout his four films with the franchise, he appeared in some of the most popular films of the recent era, including Goldeneye. Lately, Brosnan has engaged in action flicks as an experienced agent who …

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This is a review of the science fiction movie Planete B.

‘Planéte B’ Review: Film Questions A Reality in Which Corporations and the State Control Free Choice

The cinematic format holds the privilege of imagining numerous variables of what the future may be like. The screen platforms artists to compose frames through camera lenses to reflect on the present and create a future through imagery. In this sense, the French director Aude Léa Rapin, who previously directed …

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A review of the Japanese film Cloud (Kuraudo)

‘Cloud’ Review: A Simple But Tense and Well-Directed Movie from Kiyoshi Kurosawa

Kiyoshi Kurosawa is one of the most prolific directors in world cinema. This year, he premiered Chime at the 74th Berlinale. The French remake of his 1998 film, Serpent’s Path, went to the San Sebástian Film Festival. Concluding his year, Cloud debuted at the Biennale di Venezia, and Japan selected …

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Separated Documentary Review

‘Separated’ Documentary Review

Errol Morris is a legend in the documentary community. His highly engaging and provocative films have been echoing in the film industry since the 1970s, including titles like The Thin Blue Line, Gates of Heaven, and The Fog of War, which won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature in …

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A New Kind of Wilderness Documentary Review

‘A New Kind of Wilderness’ Documentary Review

In modern society, human beings learn to follow societal norms. Means of production and organizational schemes have forced people to live in urban spaces, educate themselves in formal institutions, and get their food from factories. Therefore, anyone who does not follow the norms defies the standard conventions. Nik Payne and …

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A Sister's Tale Documentary Review

‘A Sister’s Tale’ Documentary Review

In her, An Incomplete List of What the Cameraperson Enables, Kirsten Johnson proposes several actions and connections that portraying a subject in camera allows. One is the chance to be closer or farther (through the lens) than is physically possible. Leila Amini uses her cameras to capture the experiences of …

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Mistress Dispeller Documentary Review

‘Mistress Dispeller’ Documentary Review

In China, when there is suspicion of an affair, people hire a private investigator to terminate the relationship. It is a growing profession called Mistress Dispeller. When facing the infidelity of her husband, Mrs. Li decides to tell her brother, who connects her with Wang Zhenxi, a professional mistress dispeller. …

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‘Tata’ Documentary Review – A Highly Emotional Work of Forgiveness (TIFF)

Documentary filmmaking allows authors to connect with audiences through their memories. Docu-essays and diaries transport memories to the screen in a proposition of developing and expanding the feelings of the past. As we watch the first minutes of Tata, the film by Radu Ciornciuc and Lina Vdovîi, we travel back …

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Motel Destino Movie Review

‘Motel Destino’ Movie Review

One of the quintessential members of the newest Brazilian cinema, the movement of authors, was the renovation of filmmakers working with diverse topics and smaller budgets. Karim Aïnouz built a reputation for himself. His melodramatic tropes resembling Douglas Sirk and Fassbinder added to his decisive colors and narrative construction of …

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