Review: Hallmark’s ‘Fit for a Prince’ doesn’t have the rewatch factor

Hallmark Channel movies are known for their heartwarming stories, happy endings, and beautiful scenery. It’s a formula that delivers comfort movie after movie and is part of why audiences are so loyal to the brand. But what happens when a Hallmark movie doesn’t quite meet expectations? That’s what we have with Fit for a Prince.

The story of Fit for a Prince

Fit for a Prince just premiered on the Hallmark Channel, and it’s a twist on the Cinderella trope. The movie stars Natalie Hall as Cindy, a talented seamstress who dreams of opening a dress shop. When Prince Ronan (Jonathan Keltz) comes to town to attend a charity ball, Cindy is determined to make him a dress that will impress him. However, things are not planned, and Cindy finds herself in a pickle.

Since it’s a Cinderella movie, there are evil stepsisters – Brooke (Rebecca Lamarche) and Julia (Melinda Michael) – who try to sabotage Cindy whenever they have a chance. Though not marriage-related, a tongue-in-cheek line refers to them in that familial role. Cindy doesn’t have a stepfather or a fairy godmother.  There is an evil boss by the name of Rebecca Raslyn (Paris Jefferson) who provides some of the conflict in the film. She’s taking Cindy’s designs and telling the world – and Prince Ronan, that she made them herself. 

Hall and Keltz are individually charming but don’t have chemistry together

The movie starts off promisingly enough. Cindy is likable because Natalie Hall is so likable. The actress is very talented and is the movie’s best part. She lit up the screen every time she had a scene. Hall is not a stranger to Hallmark movies; she’s done four of the TV staple in the last several years. Interestingly, two years ago in A Winter Princess, Hall was the one with the royal pedigree. She played Princess Carly Furstin in a twist on the hidden royalty trope. Fit for a Prince has no hidden royalty – we’re well aware of Prince Ronan’s position in the world. 

Prince Ronan is also charming because Jonathan Keltz is charming. But as the film progresses, it becomes clear that something is missing. There’s no spark, even the mild spark that Hallmark is known for. Cindy and Ronan had zero chemistry, and their relationship felt forced. Even the moments where it was just their friendship that was growing were dull. The tension that drives the leads together wasn’t there. I so wanted to root for Cindy and Prince Ronan to get together, but it was difficult to care about their relationship. 

The pacing in the movie also takes away from the story. A few scenes drag – they’re meant to be funny, but the humor doesn’t hit. Even the dresses were uninspired – which is sad, considering that Cindy is a designer and should have some amazing, or at the very least, unique duds. Half the escapism in these Cinderella and royal stories is the clothing, and this didn’t deliver that.  (The other half are the royal trappings, and Fit for a Prince does fulfill the promise on that front.)

A missed opportunity to be a Hallmark Channel classic

Overall, Fit for a Prince is a disappointing entry in the Hallmark Channel canon. It’s a missed opportunity that could have been a charming and heartwarming love story. But instead, it’s just a forgettable and mediocre movie. 

If you’re a fan of Hallmark Channel movies or even Cinderella stories, Fit for a Prince will leave you wanting. The ill-fitting film could have been a Hallmark classic. I really wanted to like this one, because I’m a big fan of Hallmark movies and especially the royal Hallmark movies. The movie is worth checking out, but probably not something you’re going to want to rewatch.  I will re-watch The Irresistible Blueberry Farm instead with Marc Blucas and Alison Sweeney for those warm and fuzzy Hallmark feelings. 

Fit for a Prince is now streaming

Fit for a Prince is now streaming on Prime Video with a Hallmark Channel subscription.

Have you watched the movie yet? What do you think? Join the conversation by leaving a comment or sharing your thoughts on X @MoviesWeTexted. 

If you’re looking for more Cinderella movies, check out our thoughts on the first look of the new version with Camila Cabello.

Note: This review originally appeared on Please mind the cobwebs.