Doctor Who, from the beginning created the perfect element to keep the show going: regeneration. When William Hartnell became too ill to continue playing the Doctor, they introduced the Doctor’s ability to regenerate into an entirely new person upon death. Now, sixty years later, Russell T Davies (previous and current showrunner) has introduced a new element that may have unlocked the key to the Whoniverse (or Doctorverse!) in Doctor Who Special 3: The Giggle.

The story of Doctor Who Special 3: The Giggle
The story drops us into 1925 Soho, where we find an assistant to John Logie Baird, the inventor of television, purchasing a puppet from a toy shop. This is our introduction to the Toymaker, originally played by Michael Gough, but Neil Patrick Harris plays him this time. We quickly arrive back in the present day where the Toymaker has thrown the entire world into chaos thanks to a hidden laugh/image on every screen since the invention of television. It’s up to the Doctor and Donna (along with U.N.I.T.) to stop the Toymaker and save the world, whatever the cost.
The Pros and Cons of Doctor Who Special 3: The Giggle
If you told me years ago that Neil Patrick Harris would be a guest star on Doctor Who, I would have said you were crazy. Yet here we are, seeing NPH alongside David Tennant and Catherine Tate. I thought he would feel out of place in the special, and he does to a certain degree, but the way he plays the Toymaker is right to his strengths. We get to see NPH showcase his magic skills through juggling and card tricks and his musical talent through an unexpected but delightfully chaotic lipsync of a Spice Girls song. (NPH’s musical chops will undoubtedly feel familiar to Dr. Horrible fans. )

Now, for everyone who has seen the special, I’m sure we all had the same thought: what is going on with that German accent? I have to believe NPH was told to make it as over-the-top as possible, and he certainly achieves that! While it is a bit ridiculous at times, NPH makes up for it with a solid English accent to fit right in alongside David Tennant. The two act very well together and make you feel the tension these two characters have after all these years.
Russell T Davies expands the Whoniverse
Remember when I said that Russell T Davies (fan-beloved showrunner) has introduced a new element that may have unlocked the key to the Whoniverse? That very element is what gets us Ncuti Gatwa as the 15th Doctor: bi-generation. Instead of David Tennant regenerating into Ncuti Gatwa, as we’ve come to expect, David Tennant splits in two and remains the 14th Doctor. Bi-generation allows the two Doctors to work together and fight side by side to defeat the Toymaker ultimately, but it does so much more than that.
The introduction of bi-generation allows David Tennant to continue to appear as the 14th Doctor whenever he wants, while Ncuti Gatwa takes the reigns of the main series. I say the main series specifically because Tennant and Catherine Tate could appear together in a U.N.I.T. spinoff since the intention is to have a Whoniverse. Bi-generation gives new life to rumors about a potential U.N.I.T. spinoff. The possibilities are endless now for what can be done from a storytelling standpoint, so hats off to Russell T Davies for once again breathing new life into Doctor Who.
David Tennant gives a fantastic performance in The Giggle and also gets the one thing the Doctor has longed for for so long: family. The 14th Doctor finally retires (perhaps to curate a museum eventually) with Donna, her family, and his previous companion Mel (played once again by Bonnie Langford). The only thing missing from that beautiful moment was Bernard Cribbens, who sadly passed away before filming the final special. They make sure to include Wilf through a body double and off-screen antics, but it just isn’t the same as seeing that wonderful man with his family.

Final Thoughts on Doctor Who Special 3: The Giggle
Overall, The Giggle does a brilliant job in wrapping up the reason behind David Tennant’s having the same face again while also introducing Ncuti Gatwa into the role of the Doctor. While we only spent a few moments with him, Gatwa already oozes natural charisma; I can’t wait to see what he does with the role, but he already has me hooked. It’s wonderful to have Doctor Who back to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the series, and these three specials were the perfect way to do it. I can’t wait for Ncuti’s first Christmas Special, The Church on Ruby Road.
Doctor Who Special 3: The Giggle is now streaming
Doctor Who Special 3: The Giggle is now streaming on Disney+. Check it out if you haven’t already.
If you’re not caught up yet on the 60th anniversary celebrations, start with Elliott’s review of Doctor Who Special 1: The Star Beast. After you’ve watched that, check out Elliott’s review of Doctor Who Special 2: Wild Blue Yonder.
Doctor Who Holiday Special: The Church on Ruby Road, the next Whoniverse title, will stream on Christmas Day, December 25, 2023.
Are you excited for Disney’s expansion of the Whoniverse? Have you watched the Doctor Who Specials yet? Join the conversation by leaving a comment below or by connecting with us on X @MoviesWeTexted.
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